The use cases that have already been determined and those that will be identified during the life of the project will be demonstrated on a "large scale" with the direct involvement of the Public Administration and local authorities. For this purpose, various applications, such as "Tourism 4.0" and "UNESCO-VR" have identified cultural and naturalistic routes, tourism, enhancement, monitoring and conservation of the territory, within the Etna Park and Sicilian municipalities, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. 3D models of these cultural assets will be produced and reproduced in virtual and/or augmented reality possible to visit.
It is important to underline that, in addition to the use cases relating to the innovative use of naturalistic and cultural assets, the Municipalities of Militello in Val di Catania and Vizzini will also participate in the validation and demonstration of the ADnet use case, acting as an active interface towards the local family doctors and the treatment and rehabilitation centers present in their territory.
A map of project sites that have already been identified and selected is shown below (site names are in Italian).
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